There is ......, there are.............. 6èmes 5èmes

Publié le par Valparaiso

An exercise                 GO

                                                                Can you translate this quotation ?
         IS or ARE ?

1.   There   is / are five pens on the desk.
2.   There is / are many people in the hall.
3.   There is / are a chair in the closet.
4.   There is / are three telephones at the airport
5.   There is / are lots of computers in room 202.
6.   There is / are a window in her room.
7.   There is / are an apple in the basket.
8.   There is / are seven days in a week.
9.   There is / are four schools in our town.
10. There is / are twelve months in a year.

Publié dans 6ème et 5ème

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